Prickwillow Village Newsletter

December 2024


Note change of date!

Hiam Sports & Social Club

Friday December 06; 7.30pm for 8.00pm start

The 4th Annual Prickwillow Village Council Christmas Quiz will be held on Friday December 06 to raise funds for  upgrading the defibrillator.

Teams of 3 to 6 people; £3.00 per person entry fee.

Open to all; don’t worry if you can’t form a team as we’ll add you to one!

Prizes for the winning team.

Donations for raffle prizes gratefully received. 


Christmas Special with Father Christmas
Sunday December 08, 11.00 – 16.00

A festive day out with the chance to do some Christmas shopping!

Father Christmas will be visiting us to meet the children, hear their wish lists, give them an early present and they will also be able to make some exciting Christmas decorations – all for the cost of £5 per child.

Admission: adults £5, concessions £4.

n.b. Any children under 16 that do not want to visit Father Christmas and enjoy the crafts can still come into the Museum with an adult for free.


Wednesday January 08, 8.00pm at Alison’s

All ladies welcome (even if you’ve not read the book).

Recommended books “Riders” by Jilly Cooper.


The 19th AGM is scheduled for Tuesday January 21 2025 at 7.30pm.

ALL WELCOME. This will be followed by the January Village Council Meeting at 8.15pm.

If you wish to stand for office, you will need to nominate yourself, in advance, to and and send details of your proposer and seconder.


The following planned road closures have been announced: 

Main Street – Dec 03-11 with traffic signals


The recent travel survey demonstrated that 82% of residents want a speed reduction in the side streets of the village, namely Padnal, Branch and Lark Banks.  

We have a chance to apply for a 30mph speed limit to be imposed in part of Lark Bank which has the highest housing density along a dangerous length of street. We are looking to apply to the Local Highways Improvement Scheme with help from our local Parish Council for match funding.

I am looking for evidence from the residents in the way of stories, photos, dangerous events and traffic problems. How is it walking the dog? allowing your cat out? walking children to the school bus? visibility around the corner with the Main Street? Any reports, with dates if possible, will help the application. Equally, if you don’t want a speed limit, let me know.

Please share any information to Pat del Grazia at to arrive by December 23.

The PV CIC will present this further at our meeting on January 21 2025.


All meetings are held in the Village Hall and start at 8.00pm.

AGM Tuesday January 21 2025 (7.30pm) followed by Committee meeting.


I hope that everyone of you has a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.

I’d also like to thank all the deliverers of this newsletter for their time and effort. Your help is very much appreciated.

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